Why We Created Yoochooz
Our mission: to change the way our young generation interacts with the digital world.
44% of Australian young people report having a negative online experience in the last 6 months, this includes 15% who received threats or abuse online.
It's easier than ever for young people to access harmful content online. So we set out to help educate our kids on how to stay safe and behave appropriately online.
Yoochooz is the first Australian app that proactively prevents cyberbullying before it happens, by empowering our kids to Stop, Think and Reflect before they send.

How it Works
• Picks up on keywords that could be harmful
• Educates kids on what's wrong with their message
• Provides a second chance to retract flagged messages
• Prevents explicit content from being accessed or searched for
• Scans images for inappropriate content
• Alerts parents if harmful messages are sent
• Helps parents have open conversations with their kids about online behaviour
• Connects parents together so they can support each other
The Yoochooz keyboard picks up on keywords, so if something harmful is typed, Yoochooz will send an alert, saying "are you sure you want to send this message?" It can also scan images for inappropriate content.
When the Yoochooz keyboard picks up on a harmful message, it also identifies what about the message is harmful. This offers kids the opportunity to learn about unkind or inappropriate behaviour and change their actions accordingly.
If a harmful message or content is detected and alerts are not heeded, then the parent/guardian account will be notified of the nature of this. We believe opening up the conversation about online behaviour between parents and kids will make a real difference.

Keep the whole family safe, by managing multiple child accounts across multiple devices.